
   This October marked the release of Devils In My Details,
the new solo album by Skinny Puppy front man and co-creator Ohgr.
This release follows the 2003 Industrial Grind stomping album
Sunnypsyop, which I feel had a influence on the direction
of Skinny Puppy's 2004 album and come back tour. This album
is intriguing and a bit of a departure from the theatrical
madman's previous efforts. The album treads into familiar
ground with the opening snare drum fire track Shhh, but then
pulls the listener further and deeper into the dark magnetic
vibrations of Ohgr's macabre poetry as it progresses.
.. ..
Do not expect another dance goth masterpiece. This album
stands on its own with many synth distorted manipulations,
perhaps in respect to Otto Von Shirach, who seemed to have a
influence on Skinny Puppy as a supporting act on the last two
.. ..
Demented time signatures and hallow samples, as found in
Feelin Chicken, offer just a glimpse into the layering of sounds
and circus dementia in Whitevan, which begs the question of
how will this be presented to us live? Fans familiar with
Puppy's theatrical horror spectacles and projected light frenzy,
will read reviews of this tour saying the live show holds true to
Oghr's previous concerts and offers an individual artistic glare of deviance.
.. ..
As always, ....New Orleans.... can not wait to see what’s now in
store for us on Ohgr's latest creation of sinister mindscapes. Be
there ready to scream, dance and lose yourself!

by: Ryan McKern for Neworleansmusicians.net

myspace. com/ryan_mckern

by: Alas Vera for Neworleansmusicians.net



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